Play in the future with 100+ ChatGPT prompts for use in HR.

A free, crowd-sourced resource of prompts and other resources about ChatGPT and GPT-4 that are specifically for HR and Recruiting. No downloads or sign-ups, just see what you come up with, and give us feedback.
a head of hr who is actually a robot

Image created by AI, of course!

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You probably know this, but.. relying entirely, or even just a little, on AI-generated content for use in HR and Recruiting can sometimes reinforce out-of-date (or worse, biased) practices.

Filter the 100+ ChatGPT prompts below by use case

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Link your EVP with a candidate interest / hobby

I am a recruiter and I have a candidate that really likes rock climbing and I want to reach out to them to draw analogies between this role that I think would be good for them and this passion of theirs. I work at Adobe and our Employment Value Proposition can be found at [ ]- can you give me 5 ideas for analogies between our value proposition and rock climbing? Where you can draw on technical similarities with rock climbing.

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Review Values

Our organisation has a value for innovation, but so do a lot of our peers in the banking sector. I would like you to research how companies talk about innovation and how we might talk differently about innovation at our company. We want to stand out. I would like you to suggest 5 ways in which we might use different perspectives, words or examples in explaining how we are different.

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Management development plan.

A direct report of mine has no management experience but they want to have a development plan that gives them as much exposure to management as possible. I am supportive of this. Can you come up with 20 things that we might do together, or they might do for themselves, to quickly and deeply understand the requirements of a management role?

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Development plan for a named competency

I would like you to help me with some development plans for someone on my team, I am going to reply to you with a specific competency I would like them to be better at, can you please create a plan so that this person and I can talk about developing this competency further. The plan should have all of the following: 1. examples of why being good at this competency achieves great outcomes 2. examples of senior roles that are known to do this competency well 3. skills or capabilities that can be trained to help improve this competency 4. examples of on-the-job activities (aim for 4 of these) that we might wish to get this person to do 5. success criteria (in bullet points) for what being good at this competency looks like

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LinkedIn Outreach 101

Write a brief LinkedIn outreach message for a B2B Sales Director with several years of experience building sales teams and implementing go-to-market strategies for fintech startup.

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Understand common benefits in a country

We are thinking about expanding to do business in Spain. I would like you to pretend that you're a consultant that I have hired to help me understand the business environment in Spain. I want you to focus your recommendations on the implications for me as the head of HR. I am interested to know about labor laws in some detail. I don't understand local business etiquette and language expectations. I don't know anything about the public holidays and if they are same across the whole country. Please be detailed in your response.

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Template for employee development re skills gaps

Can you write a brainstorming template that I can send to an employee where they can think about what roles they want in the future, what skills they have and what development they might be able to do on the job to help them advance their career. give them lots of space and prompt with detailed questions that will help them think through their career plan.

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Performance Review Prep

I am about to start my performance review for 2022, what are the 15 questions I should ask myself to really push my thinking and really understand what my performance was like last year?

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Engage a candidate

I will give you a job description and you will write an email trying to engage a candidate. Start with their potential interests in career growth, then present the opportunity. Outline the benefits and potential, be convincing. Use industry terminology. Be brief, do not use unnecessary words. Be friendly. Use call-to-action, add a sense of urgency.

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OTJ Development Plan

I want a direct report of mine to develop their skills for a specific competency. You will make a development plan for us both, focusing only on on-the-job activities that they can do. You will need to ask me what that competency is in your information gathering. You can ask me any questions that might help make this a better development plan. I would like you to be very specific in your recommendations about what they need to do to improve the competency. I need 5 or more suggestions for activities, for each activity I want you to explain why this is a good activity and then I want you to provide a detailed rubric for how I might evaluate their performance for this activity. Are you ready?

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Scan a job description for problematic language.

If I post a job description, can you let me if there are any problematic words I am using that would discourage any particular demographic of applicants to apply?

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Suggest how we might differentiate talking about one of our values.

I want you to pretend that you are a consultant to my organisation. We have hired you to identify how our stated values are similar to our peers in the banking industry. Can you review them and let me know where our values are most unique? Please refer to words and phrases in the document to illustrate your points.

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Scenario plan with a department manager.

I want you to provide me a list of 10 or more scenarios that often happen inside a team that might cause them to voluntarily or involuntarily restructure. I would like you to make the pro and con case for each why these are good or bad for the company.

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Survey existing team members for responses on what part of the team culture to highlight

Write an email that will be sent to a small group of people in my organisation. I am a Recruiter and I need to ask the existing team members what they appreciate about the culture specific to the team. You should try and understand from these people what value they think is most practiced in their small team. You want to invite open and honest communication for the purposes of helping candidates understand if they would be a great fit for the role we are hiring for. The email should be precise and ask for specifics. You should also ask about what kind of competencies or behaviors would be a great addition to the team.

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70 20 10 Action Plan

Help me create a SMART Action Plan with a 70-20-10 approach for the focus area - Creating Strategies for Account Expansion. Suggest real-time hands-on approaches that one can take under 70%, suggest training modules or e-learning modules with sources under 20% or coaching/mentoring, and names of the books with authors, articles with authors, or videos from YouTube or any other website that one can read or view as a part of self-learning i.e. 10%. Also, suggest measure of success for the focus area and design the SMART IDP considering the MOS

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Aditi Kirtane
The upside of restructuring.

We are going through a restructure and it is disruptive for employees, please make the pro case, in detail, about how restructures can be good for the careers of individuals. I need at least 10 ideas and I would like you to be detailed and specific about actions that the employee can take to maximise this opportunity.

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Refined job description and questions specific to an MBTI profile

I am hiring a bartender for my club in NYC. I want you to write a job description that appeals to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality of ESFP. (People identified with ESFP personality type tend to do well in this role.) I also want you to list 15 interview questions that will help me verify that the candidate I interview has such traits. Include questions that would dissuade them from accepting the role because it goes against the ESFP personality type.

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Jim Stroud
Job titling examples

I want you to pretend you are a consultant that helps with organisational design. Specifically I want you to brainstorm 5 or more examples of consistent job-titling nomenclatures, so I can use them across our organisation of 2,000 people.

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Quickly pull keywords for research

Act like a researcher. Give me a list of keywords for a job description I will provide you with that I can use to find a candidate for the position. Act like an expert in this field, include additional keywords that may not be in the job description

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Feedback conversation role play.

I am hesitant to give direct feedback to someone but I know that I need to give feedback to them. I think I know how to deliver the feedback, but I was hoping you could me prepare for the conversation by giving me 10 scenarios whereby the person might challenge my feedback. I would like to practice using these 10 examples. Please make them specific.

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Pausing a role but keeping the candidate warm

I need to you to write two different emails of similar content to a candidate who is on our shortlist for a job. We are pausing hiring for the role but I want to keep them keen on our organisation because we might want to hire them in several weeks time. I want you to ask me about something that they were very good at during the interview process so far, so that you can include that in your responses.

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Make a detailed case against having OKR's in my organisation.

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Survey of a hiring manager

I want you to create a document that I can use to interview someone in our organisation who is hiring for a new Sales Leader. I want to deeply understand what they are looking for in the role. I want to understand what the best people in their current team do to be high performers. I would like to know what high performers do differently to core performers. I want to use this information to ensure that we hire great candidates in to this team so that they can hit their targets this year. I also want the document to help understand the sales leaders coaching style and give them the opportunity to be very specific about their strengths as a manager and how they intend to support the new hire.

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Writes 3 personalized candidate rejection emails

I want you to write 3 different rejection emails to a candidate that has applied for a job with us. To get your information, I want you to ask me 1. what competencies we saw them strong in, 2. what we appreciated about their application, and 3. what we saw in the final candidates that we did not see during the process with them. You want the candidate to feel like you really saw their strengths. OK?

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What are the laws around firing people in $country

I employ one person in Germany and I want to fire them, can you provide me very specific references to the local labor laws about how I might do that. Can you also create a form letter so I can instruct a german law firm to do some of this work for me?

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